YOU HAVE NOT LIVED UNTIL you have allowed a small animal to sleep on you.
Tag: pithyism
Ars Aphoristica.
Pithyism #+1
THANK GOD, OR THE GODS, or Fate, or Luck or Fortune or Purpose, or just feel grateful, that you still have one more thing to do.
Pithyism #104
WHEN COMPUTERS SUPERSEDED TYPEWRITERS, SPELLCHECK superseded the dread of whole-page retyping — and encouraged laziness.
ELECTRONIC CONVENIENCES BECOME OBSTACLES WHEN they pass from novelty to necessity. (Come to think of it, that may be true of everything.)
Pithyism #All-Is-One-OK!OK!
RELIGION IS TO CHEERLEADING AS mysticism is to quarterbacking. P. S. — For those so doing today, have an easy fast (and a final one).
Pithyism #4 of 8+
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, BUT SO is imagination: isn’t it sad that today’s kids will never know the fun we had speculating about Martians?
Pithyism #99.99999
Allegiance Considered
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution Of the United States of America And to the ideal on which it stands: One nation of individuals Indivisibly intertwined With liberty, justice and peace for all.
Pithyism #1+One
WITHOUT SIMPLE PLEASURES, LIFE CAN devolve into a complicated search for meaning; with simple pleasures, it still depends on you.
Pithyism #25,000-Gallons-a-Day
BP = ‘BYE, PLANET. (PS: Check for a localizable perspective.)
Pithyism #1440
RESEARCH THROUGH BOOKS WALKS A vast flagstone patio; online research is a path laid stone by stone.
Pithyism #PKD
WHEN THE POCKET CAMERA ASKS if your subject blinked, it’s time to turn off ALL the machines. *