Neal’s news career began in 1995 at Santa Rosa radio station KSRO. While reporting for the Sonoma Index-Tribune between 1998 and 2003 he earned professional accolades from the National Newspaper Association; Society of Professional Journalists, Northern California; and the Sonoma County Press Club. He has written for the Sonoma Valley Sun, North Bay Bohemian, Petaluma Argus-Courier, Novato Advance, PunkTorah.Org and jweekly, as well as the Jewish Museum of the American West; and was featured as a subject on KOME and in jweekly and The Forward. (Oh, and he was published in Astronomy magazine’s May 2023 “Ask Astro” feature.)
Since 2005, Neal has crafted more than 160 episodic short stories about a self-defrocked holyman who wanders a fantastic land, eking out a meager but honest living as a mercenary cook. These are now available in two e-books, The Cook For Any Price: Across the Rimless Sea and The Cook For Any Price: More Commonwell Tales, with a third expected momentarily. His other current interests include pararabbinics, astrogeekery, informed appreciation, armchair travel, recreational thinking, Oxford commas, and all matters gastronomic.
Contact Neal:
POB 1313, Sonoma CA 95476
rebnachumtheblogger at gmail dot com