I pledge allegiance to the Constitution Of the United States of America And to the ideal on which it stands: One nation of individuals Indivisibly intertwined With liberty, justice and peace for all.
Category: ?
Free of labels, which is also a good attitude.
The Face That Launched A Thousand Orbits
PUT YOUR FACE AND/OR NAME on the Space Shuttle while you still can[1] at NASA Face in Space, then download and print the evidence. (This is a metaphor for something or other; p’raps best not think too hard on’t.) [1]…
Life? On Titan? Maybe.
FROM THE “THANK G?D I Lived Long Enough To See T*H*I*S” file: While life isn’t the only explanation for the unexpected acetylene/hydrogen findings, it is by far the coolest. (ObJewGeek: Bless the One who makes the makings of creation.) .…
What The %$#@! Hit Jupiter?
THAT’S WHAT ASTRONOMERS AMATEUR AND professional alike are asking after one of the former imaged the impact earlier today. As of 0940 pm PDT Thursday, few other sites have picked it up, so remember — you might have heard it…
Not Good For The Jews, Or Anyone Really
THE WORLD IS SO SMALL these days that you never know who might be reading you — including the families of those aboard the Gaza flotilla. If that’s the case, then please let me apologize in advance. I am very…
It’s Not About The Barbecue
UNTIL THEIR SACRIFICE IS OBVIATED by a calmer world, we remember them. In Flanders Fields By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place;…
Silicon Intermission
WE AT FRANCE STREET TOOL and Blog (i.e., Ann & moi — G is only exploring keyboards) will be offline for the next 12 to 18 hours, G?d willing, as a new computer (thanks again, Dad) replaces the old (thanks…
So Much For Earth
WORST-CASE SCENARIO: THE BP SPILL will kill everything in the Gulf of Mexico. This will be the tipping point for all of Earth’s oceans to die. In 50 years we’ll be wishing for one more breath, if we even live…
Lunar Update: Back to the Redrawing Board
LAST OCTOBER, I POSTED “A Proposal for the Moon of Earth” — “a suitable solar-powered visual display in the lunar crater Tycho, for the purpose of looping Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film ‘2001: A space odyssey.’” The original idea visualized a…
Cheap Sonoma
SOUNDS LIKE A CONTRADICTION IN terms, especially if you live here in Recently Discovered Paradise. But travel blogger Lisa Mann’s Sonoma On The Cheap goes a long way toward resolving it. The site is frequently updated and covers the entire…
Lunar Immortality: Vote Today!
A PLAN TO LOOP STANLEY Kubrick’s 2001: A space odyssey in the lunar crater Tycho is now ranked 413th on the website http://www.goodideas.org — and Metaphorager.Net readers can help this dream become a reality. Although the project originally offered as…
Yes, It Is Named “R2”
SPACE ROBOTS JUST MAKE it harder for me to complain about the “real” 2010’s futuristic shortcomings: “A new humanoid robot capable of working side by side with people” — Robonaut 2, or R2 for short — is being developed by…