IT IS DIFFICULT TO BE a friend to people and be a friend to their Institution (whether school, religious body, ideology, non-profit or dinner arrangements) when the Institution distracts from its intended focus: people.
Category: Living
Each moment is different. Here are some of mine.
Pithyism #23
ALL GREAT TRUTHS WERE ONCE heresies, but not all heresies become Great Truths. N.B. I might have inadvertently nicked this from someone else, but ISTR specifically coining it after some New Age sweetness-and-lightster tried to convince Sputnik and I to…
We’re All Clones (Except Me)
A RECENT FACEBOOK POLL (OF which I generally conduct one daily) revealed that few people have experienced the mindbreaking awe of encountering their own body double. Let me assure you: No matter how often it happens, it is a very…
Pithyism #Billions & Billions
RETRIEVING THE MORNING NEWSPAPER AFFORDS a fine slice of the constellations marching overhead, thereby demonstrating that sometimes you can do two things at once.
He’s Not With Us
THERE ARE MANY REASONS TO be annoyed, flabbergasted, enraged, amused, resigned or cynically justified by the actions of the idiot in Gainesville who wants to burn the Quran. Here is mine: (First, though: I use the term “idiot” strictly as…
Pithyism #3.141
Pithyism #69
EVERYTHING IS INEVITABLE — BUT ONLY in hindsight. (This is the truth half-known by determinists and freewillians, and fully by those oracles of the more honest sort. You know who you are.)
Essentials of Domesticated-Primate Character: Food Chain Consciousness
AT LEAST ONCE IN ONE’S life, one should encounter a place where one is in the minority: it has the potential to sharpen the senses, humble the soul and question the assumptions. A different, but equally primal, experience, can be…
To The Victor Goes the Printing Press
IT’S TRUE THAT THE VICTORS write history — but not all victors are dishonest. Ask yourself: Do they learn from, or at least admit, their mistakes? Trying to overcome one’s own Bad Self ™, personal or cultural, is a good…
Pithyism #418
Pithyism #9
YOU HAVE NOT LIVED UNTIL you have allowed a small animal to sleep on you.
Pithyism #+1
THANK GOD, OR THE GODS, or Fate, or Luck or Fortune or Purpose, or just feel grateful, that you still have one more thing to do.