Category: Living

Each moment is different. Here are some of mine.

He’s Not With Us

THERE ARE MANY REASONS TO be annoyed, flabbergasted, enraged, amused, resigned or cynically justified by the actions of the idiot in Gainesville who wants to burn the Quran. Here is mine: (First, though: I use the term “idiot” strictly as…

Pithyism #69

EVERYTHING IS INEVITABLE — BUT ONLY in hindsight. (This is the truth half-known by determinists and freewillians, and fully by those oracles of the more honest sort. You know who you are.)

Come Out To Sonoma

HAVING MENTIONED THIS ON FACEBOOK yesterday in the wake of U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s 136-page ruling against Proposition 8, I’d better repeat it here: Neal Ross Attinson offers his services as secular ULC minister to marriage-seeking gay…