IT’S DE RIGUEUR FOR NEWS outlets to wrap up the year with a look at their Big Stories, and we at Metaphorager.Net are no exception despite that we’re only a “news outlet” in the sense of “what’s news to me.”…
Tag: PR
Hortatory self-aggrandizement.
Clam Shirt Sits
IT’S TIME FOR THE FAMILY gifting list, but since all I really want for the holidays is an idea for another blog post I now have that. (Thanks Stan!) However, my relatives are kindly pestering me for details, so here…
Chag Chanukat Sameach from Metaphorager.Net!
Photo courtesy Ann c. 2009. The ripples roll on, Lord how they roll on.
To ALL My Email Correspondents
HAD I KNOWN THAT DELETING email via my shell account (mutt) would also delete my GUI email (Thunderbird), I would not now be writing you. But it did, so if you’ve sent me an unanswered email in the past ……
Ghosts Don’t Interest Me
NOTE THE SPECIFICITY OF THE title — I didn’t say I don’t like ghosts, or that I shun their company or “disbelieve” in their “existence.” But they’re no big thing to me, any more so than the other amazing things…
We’re All Clones (Except Me)
A RECENT FACEBOOK POLL (OF which I generally conduct one daily) revealed that few people have experienced the mindbreaking awe of encountering their own body double. Let me assure you: No matter how often it happens, it is a very…
Come Out To Sonoma
HAVING MENTIONED THIS ON FACEBOOK yesterday in the wake of U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s 136-page ruling against Proposition 8, I’d better repeat it here: Neal Ross Attinson offers his services as secular ULC minister to marriage-seeking gay…
Free Metaphor: “Lower North American”
0. CONCISION AND PRECISION ARE ESSENTIAL components of the modern metaphor. What your end-user metaphorager is looking for is light in the mouth and easy on the fingers, especially when describing social groups — you want something tight enough to…
5 Thoughts: And On Your Left, the Pons Creamery
THE METAPHORAGER.NET VISITOR LOGS MAKE for interesting reading; it’s fun to see what rough edges of my prose snags on Google and other search engines; it’s nice to count the international flags and know that any Belgian with an iPhone…
5 Thoughts: Fiction- v. News-Writing
1. YOU STOP WRITING A NEWS piece when you run out of facts. But when do you stop writing fiction? When you run out of story, I suppose. 2. In news, the most important information goes up top. In fiction,…
Lunar Update: Back to the Redrawing Board
LAST OCTOBER, I POSTED “A Proposal for the Moon of Earth” — “a suitable solar-powered visual display in the lunar crater Tycho, for the purpose of looping Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film ‘2001: A space odyssey.’” The original idea visualized a…
Thousand-Word Taskmaster
“FROM SPACE, OASINE WAS AN otherwise tan ball flecked and dotted with green – but none of its inhabitants had ever seen it. “Few of them, in fact, had been outside their own birthplaces. These were oases of various shapes…