IN THE STARS MY DESTINATION, Alfred Bester imagines a world peopled (in part) by a cast-off group of future savages who chant scientific formulae during their religious rituals. “Quant Suff!” they chant, in abbreviated imitation of “sufficient quantity.” “Quant Suff!”…
Tag: places
Are we there yet?
5 Thoughts: How To Lead Services
0. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE PARTICULAR to Jewish worship services, which are the only sort I’ve led (not counting five weddings and various improvised blessings/moment-summonings). But I’ve tried to adapt the advice for anyone whose worship tradition includes structure and…
OUR WEEKLY TORAH STUDY SHIFTS this week, as I am honored and privileged to lead Shabbat services tomorrow morning (Sat., 7/9/11) at Sonoma’s Congregation Shir Shalom. We will begin by looking at one of the Book of Numbers’ most action-packed portions: the tale of Bilaam the Evil Wizard. (Just typing “Evil Wizard” is a thrill; but then, I’m easily amused.) If you’re not otherwise on a vacationary road trip, we hope to see you there!
Shabbat shalom,
World’s Greatest Carl Sagan Quote
Toward A Topography Of Dreams
THIS IS LESS A POST than an invitation to share hidden landscapes. Within the past year or so, and due partly to an almost chronic drowsiness, I began noticing that a significant number of my dreams are set in a…
My Favorite Osama Bin Laden Rumor
…IS THAT HIS COMPOUND WAS built in the shape of what some would call “Greater Palestine,” with his house corresponding to the location of Jerusalem. (This comes to me from to the French website JSSNews, by way of YNet, by…
Nathanson Creek Haiku
Raining, raining hard. Watchful figures on the bridge note the rising creek.
Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy!
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN you mount a high-definition camera on a spaceship and send it to Saturn: (More information at For maximum fun, expand the view by clicking on the arrow-square in the bottom right corner.)
All-Natural Selection
ONE REASON WHY CALIFORNIA HAS so many smart people is that, periodically, the lesser-reasoned go down to the seashore to watch the tsunami come in.
Ship Geeks Ahoy
IF YOU’RE CURIOUS ABOUT LIFE on the other side of the foghorns, waste no time in clicking on — a global, scalable, real-time map of the world’s shipping traffic, from cargo and passenger vessels to navaids and tankers to…
Pithyism #4x
YOU REALLY HAVE TO KNOW what you’re doing in order to sleep on the floor, comfortably.
Schrodinger’s Bat
IF THERE ARE UNIVERSES NEXT door to ours, I would swap the one with sentient reptiles for one that’s just different enough — one containing, say, all-new Star Trek episodes with just a wee bit o’ difference. How much would…