Category: Writ

My own serious stuff; the craft itself; literary (and authorial) inspiration; the art of reading.

Posts That Never Were

THE IMMEDIACY OF BLOGGING CREATES, for the blogger, a whole new way of looking at the world. It’s not much different from the world of any writer in terms of the compulsion to record, comment on and embroider every living…

Jon Stewart Slams Glenn Beck Idol

THE DEMISE OF THE HEADLINE-WRITER’S art (according to a recent article fed through both Slashdot and The Daily Beast) dictates an appeal to search engine optimization (SEO) instead of readers — something that snags on Google instead of anticipatory imagination.…

Pithyism #5

ART: MANIFESTED INTENTION. (Sparked by one of those endless arguments over the meaning of “art,” this definition should cover everything from bowerbirds and whalesong to Andy Goldsworthy and the Long Now people to the cup of coffee you made this…

Thousand-Word Taskmaster

“FROM SPACE, OASINE WAS AN otherwise tan ball flecked and dotted with green – but none of its inhabitants had ever seen it. “Few of them, in fact, had been outside their own birthplaces. These were oases of various shapes…