FUNNY THING ABOUT DEFINING GOD: Despite the impossibility of the task, it does draw one’s imagination and eloquence (or directness, if you’re lucky). I made a stab at it in, tried to understand my understanding in /four-points-of-contact/ and reflected…
Tag: It.
… can’t really be named, only experienced.
Rainy Day Equation
SEMI-FERAL CAT, PLUS FORCED CONFINEMENT, divided by ping-pong ball, equals nothing else.
Pithyism #4
NEVER YODEL NEXT TO A sleeping cat.
Awe and Inquiry
He looked up. “What are you sketching?” She held out a pad, on which was written: AWE AND INQUIRY God is good. God is. God. . He frowned. “What’s the point?” She grinned. “Exactly.”
Hometown Haiku
Sonoma Plaza. Tree-shaded northwest corner. …is that a fiddle? Morris dancers leap Today! Where a month ago Two Jews laid tefillin! Diff’rent traditions Laughing under the same trees. My town. Sonoma.
Pithyism #999
“LAUGH. SEE?” — The Book of the SubGenius
It Started With Fingerprinting
Actually, it started two weeks ago, when I was interviewed by two Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplains who asked me why I wanted to become one of them. "To tell you the truth," I said, "the whole idea terrifies me.…
Thump, Flutter, Gak
I looked up from the computer, wondering about the “thump.” Then I saw the robin on the patio — fluttering wings outspread, struggling to get up. Outside, through the gate, into the side-yard. “Are you okay?” I asked reflexively. She…
Pithyism #0
The future is an open hand; the past is a closed hand. What’s in between?
Contradicting the Paradox
“Most people don’t worship God. What they do is make an image of what they think God is, and worship that.”— James “Sputnik” Gjerde The biggest problem with Aristotelianism is that it posits false dichotomies (good/evil, up/down, is/ain’t, tastes great/less…
Message From Beyond
NOT ALL MITZVOT TURN INTO ghost stories — but when doing holy work, it’s always a good idea to expect the unexpected. Ann and I are members of the Sonoma County Chevre Kadisha, which literally means “holy fellowship;” it’s a…
… re-echo …
here’s what I wrote in a recent column… Screaming in the dark 2/14/03 By Neal Ross If you live among human beings, you must never mention how terribly, nakedly vulnerable we all are ? because we all spend a good…