“OH, MAAAN — DON’T FALL INTO that trap.”
Tag: Ol’ Thinkypants
The “inner rebbe” possessed by and possessing all mad Jewish poets, but with a quasi-Walter Brennan accent.
“THAT’S NOT ONLY BRILLIANT — IT’S ‘why-didn’t-I-think-of-that’ brilliant.”
“THIS MAY OR MAY NOT be a good time to start things, but it’s a great time to continue ’em.”
“BUILDING A BETTER MOUSETRAP IS one thing. Testing it is something else.”
Ol’ Thinkypants Groks
“HEY, MAN, IF YOU WERE in high school when the original Star Wars came out, you know exactly what I mean.”
HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU are reading this?
Ol’ Thinkypants’ Question For The Producers
“WHEN DID ART BEGIN TO be about purging one’s personal demons instead of making people smile, wonder or otherwise get over themselves?”
Ol’ Thinkypants Fesses Up
“HELL, BOY, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE between us is that I know I’m asleep. Now if you want to see a real miracle, hand me that wrench.”
“IN THE GOD V. CHANCE debate, some of us are having a long-view chuckle over consciousness’ inability to recognize and appreciate its own inevitability within the Universe it’s trying to understand. Sure, it’s not as dramatic or satisfying as shouting at each other, but it pays the bills.”
Ol’ Thinkypants: Sales and Service
“PEOPLE’D BE A DAMN SIGHT more polite to each other in this country if they had to work a year behind a retail sales counter. At least, all my retailer friends think so.”
WANTED TO BE THE FIRST to claim “thinkon” as “a discrete unit of thought,” and so I have. Pbbbt.
Pithyism #1024
THERE’S NOTHING LIKE THE INTERNET to show you how unique you’re not.