SOME SONGS JUST SOUND BEST on a transistor radio. (You know who you are.)
Tag: moments
All that we ever really have.
Seeing Her
ALL I REMEMBER NOW ARE images, and the intimate passion of an infinite love. I remember the room of globes, of maps of worlds and wonders, soft with pillows and draped scarves. And She was there. And She knew me.…
Two Hands Clapping
ONE OF ANN‘S & MY favorite gestures is to gently upfling the hands at about shoulder height and exclaim, “How did they do that?” This phrase generally applies to dancers, actors, writers, musicians, singers, comedians, directors and others whose command…
A Sack Of Cashews
JINGLE. SLAM. 1978. THREE A.M. 7-Eleven. Very hungry. Looking for the little heat-lamp-warmed nut-variety display thing. Cashews are definitely NEEDED. NEEDED NOW.
Nathanson Creek Wind Symphony
THE OLD OAK TREE SWAYS like a punch-drunk in the wind. Please don’t crush our house.
“What do YOU like about being a spiritual leader?”
THIS QUESTION WAS POSED TO me by a friend who’s considering the path. Since I have some small experience with the subject, and some readers have some interest in it, I’m posting my reply here and will be absolutely unoffended…
Instant Everywhere
FOR MY NEXT TRICK, I shall unite the Universe. Ready? It is Now as I write this; it is Now as you read it. (Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. We’ll be here all week.)
5 Thoughts: The Solstice Eclipse
1. A CORRECT USE OF FACEBOOK is evidenced by all the pictures my friends took of last night’s eclipse. (Also nice: Chanukah’s virtual latke banquet.) 2. The overhead wonder was no less wondrous for being swathed in translucifying cloud at…
Viral Into Life
WE’VE ALL SEEN THOSE VIDEOS of people semi-spontaneously bursting into song in public places, to the bemusement, amusement, and eventual participation of the earshot citizenry. Let’s take it offline, folks. Bust into song. Right now. Wherever you are and with…
Fear of Fear Ourselves
WE ARE FROZEN INTO SOCIETAL uselessness through fear of liability: who’s responsible, what are the ramifications, an obsessive-compulsive moral handwash. Perhaps that’s one reason scapegoating is so popular: release of tension. Everything flows when the ice is cracked with a…
What Do You Say To A Partly Naked Woman?
SHE WAS WALKING UP THE hill toward us through the sea of sprawled bodies surrounding the stage at Laguna Seca Speedway, where some friends and I were enjoying three days of the Grateful Dead and Los Lobos in the summer…
A Thought On The “Singularity”
HAVING AWAITED (INSERT PIVOTAL WORLD catalyst here) since I was, at least, 15, I’d like to offer the observation that the Singularity (and similar event-horizons) may be more profitably treated as analogous to the speed of light — infinitely approachable,…