Prosatio Silban’s Table Tips: Place (A Literary Amuse-Bouche)

SOMEONE ONCE ASKED PROSATIO SILBAN his thoughts on “presentation;” i.e., how a dish should look when it leaves his kitchen. The Cook For Any Price thought for a moment before replying.

“I suppose it depends on your notion of what the food’s for,” he said. “In ancient and epicurean Pormaris, more than elsewhere in the Uulian Commonwell, cooking is an art like music, painting or courtesanry. There, the current fashion is to pile the food as vertically as the ingredients and imagination will allow. Perhaps they think it accents the dinner setting.

“My own customers range from wealthy banqueters to the bowl-of-beans poor, but they have one thing in common: they’re hungry. So I try never to let the food get in the way of itself. A pretty plate pleases the soul, and that’s important. But people don’t always know what to do with too much prettiness.”

1 comment for “Prosatio Silban’s Table Tips: Place (A Literary Amuse-Bouche)

  1. Marty Clein
    2010.09.15 at 08:37

    Thanks Neal! Keep up the GRATEFUL posting!

    PEACE, Marty

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