One Nice Thing

IF YOU ARE AS SNARKED-OUT as I am, sick and tired of the recreational character assassination which passes for modern culture, please:

1.) Click on the “Comments” link below.
2.) Add either something nice someone did for you, or something nice you did for someone.
3.) Pass along the link:
4.) Enjoy the difference.

I have no illusions that this will provide some fulcrum point against the world’s ills. On the other hand, you never can tell

4 comments for “One Nice Thing

  1. 2010.04.09 at 10:22

    Several years ago, I was en route to my inlaws for Xmas eve and feeling very Jewish and left out and whiney. Imagine my surprise when my mom-in-law presented me, on arrival, with a plate of fresh-cooked rugelach. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t feel left out,” she said, as I suddenly felt eighteen sizes smaller.

    Best rugrelach I’ve ever had, too.

  2. Lorinda Miller
    2010.04.10 at 21:25

    I enjoyed how much my Aunt and Uncle enjoyed the Hebrew translation of the Hobbitt we gave them.

  3. 2010.09.21 at 18:18

    Yesterday morning about 7 o’clock, I was in my pajamas walking Shecky. My neighbor needed her car jumpstarted so she could drop her kids at school and go to work. I got my truck and my jumper cables while she took Shecky. I started her car and she was off. I ran into her at the grocery store last night and she was again thanking me for helping her out of a difficult situation. As intense as my grief is right now, I did have some good feelings about doing a good deed.

  4. Ann Clark
    2018.10.21 at 07:15

    Yesterday our baker-neighbors left two fat loaves of freshly-baked bread on our doorstep, with a sweet note.

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