3 comments for “Why Eclectic Spirituality Will Not Endure Half So Long As Traditional Religion”
2011.06.20 at 21:51
Ain’t that the truth! No rest for the wicked, as they say. What’s more, I never get a day off like those deontological folk do, because with a custom-built moral code, there’s the constant rethinking and all this tweaking to perform on the basic model. Atheism is hard work.
Ain’t that the truth! No rest for the wicked, as they say. What’s more, I never get a day off like those deontological folk do, because with a custom-built moral code, there’s the constant rethinking and all this tweaking to perform on the basic model. Atheism is hard work.
True, but I hear it pays well and the hours are good.
I suppose it does…but the better pay is somewhat offset by the high cost of existential angst.