Tag: …wow.

I mean “wow.” Just … wow.

We’re trapped in linguistic constructs… all that is, is metaphor.”
Robert Anton Wilson

Why I Love: Ancient History

IT’S FALLING ASLEEP HOLDING A copy of Herodotus’ The Histories or Gaster’s The Oldest Stories in the World. It’s the endless theorizing about daily life in a different context. It’s the observation that no matter what the era, people will…

Unless you are at home in the metaphor, you are not safe anywhere.”
— Robert Frost

Death steals everything except our stories.”
Jim Harrison

Truth v. Lies

SOME TIME AGO, I HAD a Facebook encounter with a dear friend who’s something of an Evangelical Atheist. It all started when another dear friend posted the following “meme” to my “wall:” OMNISM: THE BELIEF THAT NO RELIGION IS THE…

Why I Love: Star Wars

IT’S THE BLUE INTERTITLE PROCLAIMING “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” It’s the concept of the Force: nakedly nondual, essentially Taoist, but not preachy about it. It’s the costumes. It’s the sets (even the CGI ones,…