Tag: …wow.

I mean “wow.” Just … wow.

Open Invitation

THERE MAY BE NO QUICKER way to evoke reverent awe than by looking through a telescope at the night’s rich bounty. I was 13 when I first trained a small refractor, a gift from my parents, on the planet Saturn.…

Your spiritual practice will give you many gifts, but don’t expect it to relieve you of your human nature.”
–Alan Morinis

Why I Love: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IT’S THE EPISODE-BY-EPISODE CONTINUITY. It’s the attention to detail (even in the direction). It’s the character development. (It’s also the characters.) It’s the insiders-feeling treatment of religious faith. It’s the strong female roles (mostly). It’s the sometimes-complicated political schemes. It’s…

We’re trapped in linguistic constructs… all that is, is metaphor.”
Robert Anton Wilson

Why I Love: Ancient History

IT’S FALLING ASLEEP HOLDING A copy of Herodotus’ The Histories or Gaster’s The Oldest Stories in the World. It’s the endless theorizing about daily life in a different context. It’s the observation that no matter what the era, people will…

Unless you are at home in the metaphor, you are not safe anywhere.”
— Robert Frost

Death steals everything except our stories.”
Jim Harrison