– Definition: n That creation which evokes awe in the beholder. – Used in a sentence: Have you ever heard Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” wonderpiece in its entirety? – Why: Though arguably a mere synonym for “art” (at…
Tag: Words to Bring Back
Dust ’em off and sprinkle liberally!
Words to Bring Back: “Quotidian”
– Definition: adj ordinary or everyday, especially when mundane. – Used in a sentence: If you can’t find pleasure in the quotidian, you likely won’t find it anywhere else. – Why: To seize our eyeballs in the current attention economy,…
Word to Bring Back: “Fastuous”
– Definition: adj. 1. haughty, arrogant 2. ostentatious, showy – Used in a sentence: The fastuous have taken their first steps down the rabbit-hole of militant mediocrity. – Why: It sounds similar to “fatuous” — silly and pointless — and…
Word to Bring Back: “Privacy”
– Definition: n. the quality or state of being apart from company or observation – Used in a sentence: American culture’s “instant celebrity” fixation is playing hob with the basic concept of privacy. – Why: Duh.
Words To Bring Back: “Perfervid”
– Definition: adj. intense and impassioned – Used in a sentence: The perfervid activists had trouble with their blood pressure. – Why: There is something attractive about a three-syllable word replacing a three-word phrase. (Maybe it’s the concisifier in me.)
Word to Bring Back: “Prig”
– Definition: noun a self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others. – Used in a sentence: Scratch a prig, find a hypocrite. – Why: To name a thing is to control it — either by voting it…
Words to Bring Back: “Shambolic”
– Definition: adj.; chiefly British chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged. – Used in a sentence: Our political and cultural landscapes have become shambolic as all get-out. – Why: Because we need a more polite (and adjectival) descriptor than… those in current…
Word to Bring Back: “Amphitryon”
– Definition: (French) n. person with whom or at whose expense one dines – Used in a sentence: My father is a well-known and gracious amphitryon. – Why: Aside from its capitalized Greek origin (Amphitryon was, according to Sophocles, a…
Words To Bring Back: “Daresay”
– Definition: v., archaic used to indicate that one believes something is probable. – Used in a sentence: I daresay we need to get out the vote this November, or all will be lost. – Why: You could always and…
LOVE adv. A DEDICATED SERIES OF related kindnesses and decisions.
Words To Bring Back: “Kratocracy”
– Definition: n. A government established by seizure, utilizing force or deceit, with rule maintained by strength. – Used in a sentence: One side effect of social-media-as-lie-amplifiers is that they can more easily enable a kratocracy. – Why: Please, God*…
Words to Bring Back: “Inveigle”
– Definition: v. to entice or induce by guile or flattery – Used in a sentence: Demagogues often use exceptionalism to inveigle their would-be followers. – Why: It is something so pervasive that critical-thinking skills should be taught beginning in…