Tag: learned

What I wish I’d known before I had to learn it.

Pithyism #69

EVERYTHING IS INEVITABLE — BUT ONLY in hindsight. (This is the truth half-known by determinists and freewillians, and fully by those oracles of the more honest sort. You know who you are.)

Writing News: The Interview

HAVING LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY “DONE this in my sleep(1)” on occasion as ahem an award-winning reporter for the Sonoma Index-Tribune and Sonoma Sun (and freelancer for the Novato Advance, Petaluma Argus-Courier and The Bohemian) and being somewhat-to-greatly rankled by what…

Reb Cat’s Torah

FOR LOVE OF A CAT, one can become accustomed to gifts of mole and rat or parts thereof (and the subsequent carryings-out of their limp little forms). Live baby birds are harder. Especially when they peep from inside the plastic…

Why I’m Not A Rabbi

IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT I was once studying to become a rabbi, then you probably haven’t talked to me much during the last 10 years. As detailed elsewhere, I returned to Judaism in 1997 after a whirlwind tour of…