Tag: It.

… can’t really be named, only experienced.

Be not ashamed to learn truth from any source.”
— Rabbi Shlomo ibn Gabirol (1021-1058)

IF YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN IT simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
— Albert Einstein

It used to freak me out that I’d never see the back of my own head. Now that I’ve accepted it, I can move on to the house of mirrors.”
— Barbatus the Elder

When we stand in awe, our lips do not demand speech, knowing that if we spoke, we would deprave ourselves. In such moments talk is an abomination. All we want is to pause, to be still, that the moment may last. … The meaning of the things we revere is overwhelming, and beyond the grasp of our understanding.”
— Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

365 Names: “Ain Sof”

AIN SOF is the Name given by Jewish mystics to G?d’s most transcendent (read: non-immediate) aspect. Meaning, literally, “without end,” it falls short of describing the Indescribable by admitting with honesty that it can’t be done. “There is no way…