Tag: It

… can’t really be named, only experienced.


“IN THE GOD V. CHANCE debate, some of us are having a long-view chuckle over consciousness’ inability to recognize and appreciate its own inevitability within the Universe it’s trying to understand. Sure, it’s not as dramatic or satisfying as shouting at each other, but it pays the bills.”

Scrapheap Waters

THAT’S AN ANAGRAM FOR “EARTH Warps Space,” the latest news out of NASA. Put simply: In our 4th-dimensional universe, gravity runs downhill. Put less simply, http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/04may_epic/. Quoted lede: “Einstein was right again. There is a space-time vortex around Earth, and…

Automatic Enlightenment

SET YOUR THOUGHT ON THIS: “I am not this thought.” Full disclosure: I awoke from a thundering dream last night which seemed to involve everyone I ever met and everywhere I’ve ever been, but set mostly between the Renaissance Pleasure…

Seeing Her

ALL I REMEMBER NOW ARE images, and the intimate passion of an infinite love. I remember the room of globes, of maps of worlds and wonders, soft with pillows and draped scarves. And She was there. And She knew me.…

Two Hands Clapping

ONE OF ANN‘S & MY favorite gestures is to gently upfling the hands at about shoulder height and exclaim, “How did they do that?” This phrase generally applies to dancers, actors, writers, musicians, singers, comedians, directors and others whose command…