Tag: There’s a God in My Soup

Religious experience, or at least the experience of religion.

Reb Cat’s Yoga

THE STORY GOES THAT YOGA was first disclosed to an Indian prince by a cat who consented to teach the prince the secrets of feline flexibility. Whether or not that’s true, the cat who lives with Ann & I repeatedly…

Torah Study Anew Abu!

TODAY’S POST COMES FROM GUEST-BLOGGER Ann Clark and concerns our weekly living-room Torah study. We begin the reading cycle anew tomorrow (technically, yesterday and today) — but do we ever really begin, or end, anything? France Street Torah Study Neal…

Biblical Note: No Idiots Need Apply

IT HAS COME TO THE attention of Metaphorager.Net that certain hatebrained wink-and-gigglers are selectively quoting vv. 8-9 of Psalm 109 to express their disdain for the President With The Suspicious Middle Name (simply paraphrased, they’re calling for his death). While…

The Shape Of Time

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER THAN I am now, I used to think Time was arranged in neat little blocks as on the calendar. The “bottom of the month” felt like the bottom of the month, and I delighted in each…

On The Road To Karlin

THIS TALE COMES FROM LOUIS Newman’s 1963 “Hasidic Anthology,” a thick collection of stories, teachings and parables of the Hasidim, which is Hebrew for “pietist” but in this context refers to the 18th century Jewish ecstatics whose infectious enthusiasm rang…

Wrapping Round

EVER CATCH HOLD OF THE edge of a metaphor that no amount of teasing will out? That’s why I call the blog “The Metaphorager” in fact: I sometimes feel like Newton’s beachcomber looking for the one bit of sea-wrack which…

Being Here, Doing This

THE GUY IN THE BACK seat of Cash Cab is heavily into the Neo-Beat Chic (hip snap-gnosis, deprecate gesture): Shirt buttoned horn rimmed open face serious sandwich, And I guarantee he’s wearing although I can’t see them scuffed brown oxfords.…