IN THE PRESENT, EVERYONE CAN be famous for 15 seconds — which is just long enough to click on the next temporary celebrity.
Tag: pithyism
Ars Aphoristica.
Pithyism #$$$
IN THE ABSENCE OF A national social-service corps, and for proper character-building, everyone should work in retail sales for a year. (Especially during the holiday rush.)
Pithyism #2=1
TRUE LOVE IS NOT AN emotion — it’s a dedicated series of related actions.
Pithyism #60/24/365
A MOMENT LASTS AS LONG as it needs to — be it seconds, hours, years, or lifetimes.
Pithyism #65+
ONCE YOU TURN 30 (OR thereabouts), no one calls you an “old soul.”
Apprentice Question
“WHAT CAN I DO, RIGHT now, to better myself?”
AS SOUND IS SLOWLY-VIBRATING light, ambition is slowly-vibrating desperation.
The Other Secret
Pithyism #65b
MATURITY IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN we choose to be fascinated by something other than ourselves.
Today’s Question
“WHAT PRESENT CAN I GIVE to the world?”
Pithyism #30
DOES THE PHRASE “OLD SOUL” apply to anyone past their early 20s?
Pithyism #72
OUR POLITICAL LANDSCAPE MIGHT BE less prickly were our politics not so personal.