IS IT ENOUGH TO KNOW, or must one also act?
Tag: people
Ones I have known, if even tangentially.
Ian Fleming’s Wisdom School
FROM THE NOVEL “GOLDFINGER,” PAGE 056 of the Penguin Centenary edition: Bond sat back. He was prepared to listen to anyone who was master of his subject, any subject. (This is one of those quotes that keeps coming into my…
Election Day Haiku
God who hears all, please — Don’t let the idiots win. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.
Al Tirah – Fear Not
A MOVE TO KICK DESPAIR out of Lower North American political life is taking a Biblical imperative to the 21st century — and “joining” is as easy as deciding not to be manipulated by people who want you to hate…
A Haiku For The SF Giants, After Seeing My First Giants Game Last Night
Tim Lincecum’s face Passionate with the sad news: Strike one. Two. Three. Next!
Pithyism #60
NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF a kind word — or a cruel one.
1+1=1, For Sufficiently Small Values of One
IF IT MAKES IT ANY easier for those who struggle with accepting their age, one could always aver that one is experiencing one’s “average age.” For example, I am 48 (at this writing). There is one of me, so 1…
Pithyism #1:1
WHEN DOES YOUTH’S RIGHTEOUS IMPUDENCE become the status-quo’s annoyance?
Pithyism #1:100
IT IS DIFFICULT TO BE a friend to people and be a friend to their Institution (whether school, religious body, ideology, non-profit or dinner arrangements) when the Institution distracts from its intended focus: people.
We’re All Clones (Except Me)
A RECENT FACEBOOK POLL (OF which I generally conduct one daily) revealed that few people have experienced the mindbreaking awe of encountering their own body double. Let me assure you: No matter how often it happens, it is a very…
Being Here, Doing This
THE GUY IN THE BACK seat of Cash Cab is heavily into the Neo-Beat Chic (hip snap-gnosis, deprecate gesture): Shirt buttoned horn rimmed open face serious sandwich, And I guarantee he’s wearing although I can’t see them scuffed brown oxfords.…
Jack Horkheimer, A”H
HIS CRACKLY EXHORTATION TO “KEEEP Looking Up!” now residing in the ears and cassettes of those who loved his weekly five minute-PBS-slice of observational astronomy, Jack Horkheimer, AKA “The Star Hustler,” passed through the luminiferous aether this morning on the…