RECENTLY, ONE OF MY FAVORITE blogs switched their commenting software from one which featured anonymous “handles” to one which can also link readers under their real names. It has caused me to rethink what I thought I took for granted…
Tag: people
Ones I have known, if even tangentially.
YESTERDAY, I POSTED A COMMENT to BoingBoing asking people to “Google ‘deconstructionist face-bullhorn’ (for) … where I stand on the whole horned-rim/hornrimmed/modern-equivalent-of-John-Lennon’s frames issue.” So far, 22 people have. Whee! (This post’s title is taken from a phenomenon well-known to after-hours Renaissance Pleasure Faire folk, whereby those standing at the bottom of the little valley need only howl once to provoke a full-throated choral reply from a horde of unseen collegial up-valleyites. And it never failed.)
Why “Carmageddon” Didn’t Happen
THEY SHOULD HAVE CALLED IT “Carpocalypse.” %$#@!ing publicists.
The Two Hardest Words To Say
“The Guest House”
SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME SENT me this poem. I offer it to you in the same spirit. This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes As…
Pithyism #1,914
ANY POLITICAL IDEOLOGY WHICH BEGINS “If only people would…” isn’t worth the breath needed to finish the sentence.
World’s Greatest Carl Sagan Quote
Brian “Farwell” Eaton, A”H (RIP)
MY FRIEND BRIAN FARWELL DIED May 25, and as his face was more familiar than his name to the folks in our little Anatevka-among-the-vines I volunteered to post his photo here. (This photo was taken in January 2010, at Congregation…
Three Word Comfort
Ol’ Thinkypants: Sales and Service
“PEOPLE’D BE A DAMN SIGHT more polite to each other in this country if they had to work a year behind a retail sales counter. At least, all my retailer friends think so.”
Today’s Most Tweeted Non-Mark Twain Quote
“I’VE NEVER WISHED A MAN dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” Whether or not Mr. Twain actually Why Clarence Darrow said these words I do not know. But for those having difficulty cheering one more death,…
Pithyism #6
NO MATTER HOW ABSORBING OR rewarding the discussion concerning Jedi philosophy, training and practice, someone’s always going to say, “Dude, it’s only a movie.”