THEY SHOULD HAVE CALLED IT “Carpocalypse.” %$#@!ing publicists.
Tag: moments
All that we ever really have.
5 Thoughts: How To Lead Services
0. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE PARTICULAR to Jewish worship services, which are the only sort I’ve led (not counting five weddings and various improvised blessings/moment-summonings). But I’ve tried to adapt the advice for anyone whose worship tradition includes structure and…
World’s Greatest Carl Sagan Quote
Game of Life: Rules
THE UNIVERSE IS FULL OF “Learn Here” stickers, each with a different adhesive strength. Collect enough and you win. PS to my friend, Lillian, who says, “Define ‘enough’” — if you’re still collecting, you haven’t won yet.
Ol’ Thinkypants Fesses Up
“HELL, BOY, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE between us is that I know I’m asleep. Now if you want to see a real miracle, hand me that wrench.”
Brian “Farwell” Eaton, A”H (RIP)
MY FRIEND BRIAN FARWELL DIED May 25, and as his face was more familiar than his name to the folks in our little Anatevka-among-the-vines I volunteered to post his photo here. (This photo was taken in January 2010, at Congregation…
Your Orders
Today’s Most Tweeted Non-Mark Twain Quote
“I’VE NEVER WISHED A MAN dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” Whether or not Mr. Twain actually Why Clarence Darrow said these words I do not know. But for those having difficulty cheering one more death,…
WANTED TO BE THE FIRST to claim “thinkon” as “a discrete unit of thought,” and so I have. Pbbbt.
Automatic Enlightenment
SET YOUR THOUGHT ON THIS: “I am not this thought.” Full disclosure: I awoke from a thundering dream last night which seemed to involve everyone I ever met and everywhere I’ve ever been, but set mostly between the Renaissance Pleasure…
The 49-Year-Old Punk Is Weeping
A FRIEND OF MINE FROM long-ago “nights we tried to die” (in Jim Morrison’s eternal phrase) opines, via Facebook, that he is now “too fat to wear … (his) “Too Drunk To F*ck” T-shirt. I want a T-shirt of that.
April is National Words Month
(PASS IT ON.) AND USE yours with care — they’re a non-renewable resource.