Tag: haiku and environs

Staple and meat of
Poets and coffeehouses.
Some might even rhyme..


EVEN AFTER TEN YEARS, THE memories and pain are still fresh when I think of them. I don’t think of them often. My habit in those days was to check the Ha’aretz news ticker with my morning coffee. “Hmm… soccer…

Punch-drunk Piety

WE ARE THE WRESTLERS-WITH-God, the ones grabbing His lapels and hollering “Speak up, sonny!” and don’t worry about staining the carpets. And we like It that way. You who put God on a shelf Who pull Him out once or…

Gritty Comfortoir

AND AFTER ALL IS SAID and done, and the horrible truth revealed The bodies taken away, the last question answered Comes William S Burroughs (the gravelly graandpa who’s done things the grownups won’t let you ask him about). “Interdimensional Alka…

Five Summer Haiku

(THESE WERE WRITTEN JUNE 21 on the unnetworked “writing laptop,” which I only mention to explain the last verse and thank you for not skipping ahead. And now, this.) So soon the heat comes after long weeks of spring rain.…