“JUST RELAX. BREATHE. LET THE tide go out in your mind.” — Me just now to the companion animal, who insisted I post it.
Tag: arm’s length
Because the word “community” is over-used.
Cheap Sonoma
SOUNDS LIKE A CONTRADICTION IN terms, especially if you live here in Recently Discovered Paradise. But travel blogger Lisa Mann’s Sonoma On The Cheap goes a long way toward resolving it. The site is frequently updated and covers the entire…
HY”D Janusz Korczak – 1878.1942
TEACHING JEWISH KIDS THEIR HERITAGE was, to me, one of life’s greatest joys; I began doing it for pre-B’nei Mitzvah students (read: 11-12 year-olds) in 2000, retiring when I got sick in 2008. It was the high point of any…
One Nice Thing
IF YOU ARE AS SNARKED-OUT as I am, sick and tired of the recreational character assassination which passes for modern culture, please: 1.) Click on the “Comments” link below. 2.) Add either something nice someone did for you, or something…
One Day In 2010, With Feeling
STAN CLARK IS ON FACEBOOK. That means different things to different people, and nothing at all to those who don’t know that he’s Ann’s dad, a World War II veteran and Pearl Harbor survivor who, along with his young sweetheart…
Why Is This Night…
… DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER NIGHTS? Well … Aside from each evening — each moment — being unique and therefore different from any other before or since: On all other nights, the world rotates from sunlight into darkness. Tonight the…
Pithyism #13
A FUNERAL IS A GROUP of people standing around talking about someone they’d rather be talking to.
Sometimes I Hate This Job
I’M PUTTING OFF WRITING A eulogy. Doesn’t everyone? Linda Tomback is a good friend who used to attend our Saturday morning Torah study. Her death is the eighth in our congregation in the past two years; the first two were…
Rainy Day Equation
SEMI-FERAL CAT, PLUS FORCED CONFINEMENT, divided by ping-pong ball, equals nothing else.
Three Hard Things
Kicking a whale up a beach Braiding grape jelly Comforting the chronically afflicted. (1/22/09 P.S. to RW: who asked “Why would you kick a whale?” The only reason I can think of is that 1) he’s down, and 2) you’re…
Modern Manners, Economywise
IF THE PERSON AHEAD OF you in the checkout line is stocking up on Meow Mix, don’t ask about their cat.
Pithyism #2
THE REASON WE NEED each other is that life rarely contains enough different viewpoints to even begin understanding Life.