Frank Frazetta, RIP

Frank Frazetta 1928-2010

IF YOU GEEKLY ADOLESCED IN the 1970s, his illustrations danced through your dreams, between your headphones and into your all-night D&D sessions. His is the pen that transported us to immortal Barsoom and summoned Conan with his blood-dark legions; whose ink-wet brush splashed with light and weird shadow barbarian, cowboy, and demon prince alike; whose voluptuous Vampirella idiom was often copied, occasionally parodied, never equaled.

Frank Frazetta: February 9, 1928 – May 10, 2010. Thank you, sir, for bringing us wonders.

4 comments for “Frank Frazetta, RIP

  1. 2010.05.11 at 2029

    I was so there.

  2. 2010.05.12 at 0511

    I didn’t need D&D, I had Howard and E.R Burroughs.

  3. 2010.05.12 at 1635

    I think he was ultimately the inventor of Princess Leia’s bronze bikini, too. That must have been an homage to him. So many great illustrators are underrated as artists. It’s a shame. He had great command of his work; while the subject matter was sometimes a bit lurid, to me it was never vulgar or cheap-looking.

  4. 2010.05.12 at 1737

    With D&D, I /lived/ Howard and E. R. Burroughs. Nyaaah.

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