One kept thinking there had to be another way of looking at it, of really seeing *I*T*, and kept lamenting that particular brand of consciousness so limited in terms of time, space and perception. Oh, to soar as a school…
Category: Writ
My own serious stuff; the craft itself; literary (and authorial) inspiration; the art of reading.
Writing News: The Interview
HAVING LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY “DONE this in my sleep(1)” on occasion as ahem an award-winning reporter for the Sonoma Index-Tribune and Sonoma Sun (and freelancer for the Novato Advance, Petaluma Argus-Courier and The Bohemian) and being somewhat-to-greatly rankled by what…
Prosatio Silban and the Mayor of Ixtachet
EVERYONE WANTS TO BE THE Mayor of Ixtachet, at least until they become so — this Prosatio Silban discovered on a chance visit to the edge of the Azure Void which forms the southwest border of the Uulian Commonwell. Ixtachet…
All Purpose Disclaimer
THE VIEWS OF THE AUTHOR may not reflect whatever he’s thinking about now, or however he’s thinking about it, although they most likely did when he wrote whatever you read; thus and likewise, he is not responsible for anything you…
Pithyism #104
WHEN COMPUTERS SUPERSEDED TYPEWRITERS, SPELLCHECK superseded the dread of whole-page retyping — and encouraged laziness.
A Formula For World Harmony, Considered as a Model for the Modern Behavior of its Citizens and Fellow-Beings
Advice to (Young) Writers
SEEK IMMORTALITY THROUGH YOUR WRITING — not your writhing. (Adapted from a quip by Ann.)
Free Metaphor: “Lower North American”
0. CONCISION AND PRECISION ARE ESSENTIAL components of the modern metaphor. What your end-user metaphorager is looking for is light in the mouth and easy on the fingers, especially when describing social groups — you want something tight enough to…
5 Thoughts: And On Your Left, the Pons Creamery
THE METAPHORAGER.NET VISITOR LOGS MAKE for interesting reading; it’s fun to see what rough edges of my prose snags on Google and other search engines; it’s nice to count the international flags and know that any Belgian with an iPhone…
Flash Fiction: Death Finishes His Drink
THE MAN WITH YESTERDAY’S EYES put down his glass. “Well, it’s 3 a.m.,” he sighed. “I guess those poor bastards aren’t going to terrify themselves.”
Under Oasine: Chapter 3 Synopsis
WHEN LAST WE MET, OUR heroes (the reluctant Hapler, the wounded Ij, and the idealist Twiz) were either successful or not in their quest to prove Twiz’s Theory of Oasine Connectivity: they did discover a new oasis beyond their native…
Spacetime Coordination
“So the first thing is where. My first thought is the Heart of Green.” “Off to the Right?” “No, before that and down hill. At the base of the Stairstream.” “Oh. Under that cliffy flat place that leads to Blasted…