Category: Writ

My own serious stuff; the craft itself; literary (and authorial) inspiration; the art of reading.

Tools: Spacejock Software

THIS POST IS BEING WRITTEN in yEdit, one of Simon Haynes‘ many fine Spacejock Software products. He doesn’t know I’m writing it, and until I stumbled across his website I didn’t know he was a famous Australian science-fiction author with…

Reb Drunkard’s Wisdom

THE MAN WITH THE UNWASHED face was dressed in baggy street-person clothes which seemed to cushion the cold concrete beneath him. He was laying in front of the Carl’s Jr. restaurant in San Francisco’s Justin Hermann Plaza one cool night…

O Hamlet! O Holden!

ONE OF THE SPARE JOYS of bohemian pretention is, and perhaps always has been, writing sad poems in the rain, letting each misty drop efface and blur the tortured scribble; pearls of moisture like the very angels’ tears weeping for…

The Shape Of Time

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER THAN I am now, I used to think Time was arranged in neat little blocks as on the calendar. The “bottom of the month” felt like the bottom of the month, and I delighted in each…

Being Here, Doing This

THE GUY IN THE BACK seat of Cash Cab is heavily into the Neo-Beat Chic (hip snap-gnosis, deprecate gesture): Shirt buttoned horn rimmed open face serious sandwich, And I guarantee he’s wearing although I can’t see them scuffed brown oxfords.…