Category: Writ

My own serious stuff; the craft itself; literary (and authorial) inspiration; the art of reading.

Welcome to The Metaphorager!

THERE ARE TWO WAYS YOU may enjoy this pleasant mix of rusty recollections, offbeat observations, friendly particularism, tasty recipes, unpretentious poetry, and wry spirituality: The first is to browse the above links at your leisure, consult the categories below the…

First Graf: Sidereus Nuncio

PERHAPS THE GREATEST THING ABOUT Galileo Galilei’s first publication, translated from the Latin as The Sidereal Messenger, is his sense of adventure at being the first known human to telescopically observe and painstakingly chronicle the night sky. Galileo recorded his…

Prosatio Silban and the Plain Truth

EVEN WHEN HOSPITALITY PROFFESSIONALS ARE “off the clock,” their discourse – like that of the other trades – can’t help but revolve around their livelihoods. “How’s this for a topic?” asked Piriforma Syndro, head chef at epicurean Pormaris’ renowned Diamond…