A MOVE TO KICK DESPAIR out of Lower North American political life is taking a Biblical imperative to the 21st century — and “joining” is as easy as deciding not to be manipulated by people who want you to hate…
Category: Torah
The Text(s), the tribe, the learning, the being. (With a bit of random spirituality mixed in.)
5 Thoughts: How To Preach A Sermon
1. Make ’em laugh with, but not at, you and your topic. But make ’em laugh first. 2. Remember that you’re a student too, no more learned (and perhaps embarrassingly less) than those listening to you. Your task is to…
Of Monkey Brains and Infinity
ALTHOUGH WE’RE NOT GENERALLY A “quotes ‘n’ links” blog, today The Metaphorager feels compelled to pass along two related items: 1) From Robert Anton Wilson‘s Prometheus Rising, p. 201: “[…] Simply accept that the universe is so structured that it…
I’m Not Going To Say “God” Anymore
AT LEAST, THAT’S MY AIM, and has been for some time, only I didn’t know it then. Hear: I don’t know how any/everyone else works It, but I think It is universal, appearing to some as “God,” others as The…
Torah Study Anew Abu!
TODAY’S POST COMES FROM GUEST-BLOGGER Ann Clark and concerns our weekly living-room Torah study. We begin the reading cycle anew tomorrow (technically, yesterday and today) — but do we ever really begin, or end, anything? France Street Torah Study Neal…
Pithyism #All Together Now
A TRUE RELIGIOUS RITE IS more expression than performance.
Biblical Note: No Idiots Need Apply
IT HAS COME TO THE attention of Metaphorager.Net that certain hatebrained wink-and-gigglers are selectively quoting vv. 8-9 of Psalm 109 to express their disdain for the President With The Suspicious Middle Name (simply paraphrased, they’re calling for his death). While…
Weekend Holydays
Apples and honey yesterday. Tonight, candles. This Jew’s dance card’s full.
On The Road To Karlin
THIS TALE COMES FROM LOUIS Newman’s 1963 “Hasidic Anthology,” a thick collection of stories, teachings and parables of the Hasidim, which is Hebrew for “pietist” but in this context refers to the 18th century Jewish ecstatics whose infectious enthusiasm rang…
The Point Of All Religion And End Of All Philosophy, As Concisely Can Be Put Sans Particulars
Everything I Know About God:
Santayana Amended
THOSE WHO DO NOT LEARN from history doom their children to redeem it. (And on that unironically hopeful note, Shabbat Shalom / have a nice weekend / go Red Sox!)