Author: Neal Ross Attinson

Neal Ross Attinson is one of those text-compulsives who feels naked without a keyboard, or at least a a pad and pen. He is unafraid of adverbs, loves astronomy and gastronomy with equally unabashed passion, and lives with/in an eclectic library in Sonoma, California.

365 Names of God: YHVH

This name of God, the most holy to Jews, is that by which God asked Moses to introduce Him to the Israelites in the Book of Exodus. Lacking vowels, it is literally unpronounceable; the transliterated spelling is YHVH. Where it…

Two Hands Clapping

ONE OF ANN‘S & MY favorite gestures is to gently upfling the hands at about shoulder height and exclaim, “How did they do that?” This phrase generally applies to dancers, actors, writers, musicians, singers, comedians, directors and others whose command…

Sound Advice

LIKE MANY LATE 20th/EARLY 21st CENTURY Westerners, I have seen a lot of music in my day. This makes me prone to “ohrwurms,” as the the Germans call them — “earworms” — those annoying songs in your head that JUST…