AIN SOF is the Name given by Jewish mystics to G?d’s most transcendent (read: non-immediate) aspect. Meaning, literally, “without end,” it falls short of describing the Indescribable by admitting with honesty that it can’t be done. “There is no way…
Author: Neal Ross Attinson
Neal Ross Attinson is one of those text-compulsives who feels naked without a keyboard, or at least a a pad and pen. He is unafraid of adverbs, loves astronomy and gastronomy with equally unabashed passion, and lives with/in an eclectic library in Sonoma, California.
Prosatio Silban and the Great Wasting
SENSITIVE SOULS BEWARE: ALTHOUGH MOST of Prosatio Silban’s adventures are whimsically lighthearted, this is not one of them. We find the once-beefy cook in his galleywagon at the side of a lately untraveled road, stirring the rather malodorous contents of…
Our Meaningful Century
THIS PAST WEEK SAW A couple of personal milestones: the completion of my 100th Prosatio Silban story, and my e-book‘s first review. (Pop the confetti and cue the corks.) To celebrate, here are synopses for all the Cook For Any…
Prosatio Silban and the Wavering Line
ACCORDING TO THE WISE, REPUTATION is everything. But that’s not always a good thing. “I would like for us to enter into a commercial arrangement,” said Idino Tarz to Prosatio Silban. “You have a solid standing throughout the Three Cities…
Word to Bring Back (Okay, Forward): “Fabtastic”
– Definition: adj. portmanteau of “fabulous” and “fantastic” – Used in a sentence: You have fabtastic style, my dear. – Why: I generally dislike modern portmanteaus, but this one leaped onto the screen when I tried to type “fantastic” and…
Prosatio Silban and the Divine Gaze
(THIS TALE IS FOR THOSE who have wondered about Those Who watch over, and occasionally interfere with, the residents of the Uulian Commonwell. Read it in good humor.) Prosatio Silban finished his evening meditations, stood up on his ornate braided…
… Cervantes compared translation to the other side of a tapestry. At best we see a rough outline of the pattern we know exists on the other side, but it lacks definition and is full of loose threads.”
— Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z”tl
Prosatio Silban and the Senseless Struggle
AND THEN CAME ONE OF those days which every culinarian dreads. “Master Cook? Master Cook!” called a well-dressed old man. He was sitting at one of the two tables-and-chairs Prosatio Silban had set up in the lee of his galleywagon,…
5 (Well, 6) Thoughts: How I Write
(THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF account of how the Prosatio Silban tales are conceived and written. It’s mostly meant for fans of those works, but if you’re interested in the writing process in general, read on — if not, I…
Prosatio Silban and the Tournament Palatine
THE SCULLERY MISTRESS HELD A brimful cup to Prosatio Silban’s waiting lips; he sipped, swallowed, and paused. “It is good that I am blindfolded,” he said with a triumphant smile, “or else I’d see the nutmeg before tasting it.” “That…
Pithyism #210a
Prosatio Silban and the Sincere Runaway
ON THEIR WINDING WAYS BETWEEN Here and There, the rammed-earth roads of the Uulian Commonwell often offer mystery – and sometimes, adventure. Prosatio Silban was driving his galleywagon from Treefall to Kissing Bridge near the many-harbored city of Soharis. It…