ONE OF THE BEST WAYS to learn what you know is to teach it to someone else – and sometimes, to yourself. Prosatio Silban swore under his breath and pondered what to do next. His latest intern convinced him that…
Author: Neal Ross Attinson
Neal Ross Attinson is one of those text-compulsives who feels naked without a keyboard, or at least a a pad and pen. He is unafraid of adverbs, loves astronomy and gastronomy with equally unabashed passion, and lives with/in an eclectic library in Sonoma, California.
It is necessary,” answered Don Quixote, “to know everything in the profession I follow.”
— Miguel de Cervantes
Prosatio Silban and the First Principle
IN EVERY PROFESSIONAL’S LIFE, THERE comes a point where they must choose between correctness and accommodation. Prosatio Silban heaved a deep sigh, one of many such that morning. The primary concern of every cook is to make the customers happy,…
Blaming others is the suicide of [national] liberty.”
— R’ Jonathan Sacks, zt”l (from
Prosatio Silban and the Good Death
“SO ANSWER ME THIS QUESTION: what exactly is a ‘good death?’” That compelling query hung in the smoky air inside Pelvhi’s Chopping-House while the conversationalists – Prosatio Silban; Primea Ultar, private chef to a wealthy Pormaris wine-merchant; the famed waiter…
Next (A Prosatio Silban Amuse Bouche)
“I’VE BEEN MEANING TO ASK you – what exactly is the Pure City of the Uulian afterlife?” The question was posed to Prosatio Silban one day by an old friend hailing from the distant Pastori-lands. As the query was both…
5 Thoughts: Toward a Relational Taxonomy
0. THAT’S MY $5-WORDS WAY TO describe a long-held observation regarding how and why people get along together — and sometimes don’t. 1. Here it is: I believe we can interact with each other in one of three ways: Click,…
Prosatio Silban and the Success Victim
AS THE TALL MAN TOTTERED toward Prosatio Silban’s galleywagon, which that afternoon was set up in the market at the sprawling village of Longshadow, the Cook For Any Price was about to stow his tables-and-chairs. After one look at the…
Be not ashamed to learn truth from any source.”
— Rabbi Shlomo ibn Gabirol (1021-1058)
Prosatio Silban and the Speedy Feasts
IN THE WRONG HANDS, EVEN a small dose of thwarted authority could grow into a voracious lust for revenge. Our tale begins one night at Pelvhi’s Chopping-House, where everyone who was anyone in the Pormaris hospitality-world repaired after-hours for commiseration…
Words To Bring Back: “Daresay”
– Definition: v., archaic used to indicate that one believes something is probable. – Used in a sentence: I daresay we need to get out the vote this November, or all will be lost. – Why: You could always and…
Prosatio Silban and the Integrated Pests
(Story idea, with thanks, by Ann Clark.) SOME TROUBLES ARE ONLY small – if not in importance, then at least of stature. Whistling a tuneless melody, Prosatio Silban bustled about inside his galleywagon in anticipation of a healthy Pormaris breakfast-crowd.…