1. Make ’em laugh with, but not at, you and your topic. But make ’em laugh first.
2. Remember that you’re a student too, no more learned (and perhaps embarrassingly less) than those listening to you. Your task is to reveal rather than entertain, to share rather than “teach.”
3. Be honest. It shows.
4. Know what you’re talking about, but don’t be afraid of facing questions which haven’t occurred to you. They are inevitable, and can be miraculous.
5. Care about the people you’re talking to[1]. Not as “subjects of ‘God'” (or “dues-paying members” or, especially, “the audience”) but as people — maybe scared or sad or in pain, looking for comfort and inspiration and sometimes a reason to get out of bed. So give that!
[1] This is in some ways the most important of these principles. If your care is elsewhere than the people you serve, you’ll only disservice everyone.