Today’s Most Tweeted Non-Mark Twain Quote

“I’VE NEVER WISHED A MAN dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

Whether or not Mr. Twain actually Why Clarence Darrow said these words I do not know. But for those having difficulty cheering one more death, yet no compulsion to weep for the decedent, it seems to capture the moment nicely. (Although Ann‘s “Osama Been Gotten” is nice too.)

— Neal, whose Facebook page today reads “…Having a surreal experience. Fortunately, so is everyone else.”

4 comments for “Today’s Most Tweeted Non-Mark Twain Quote

  1. Aunt Deb
    2011.05.02 at 05:55

    Thank you for expressing what I have been feeling all morning. I love you.

  2. Jonathan
    2011.05.02 at 15:47

    According to the Interwebs, it’s a Clarence Darrow quote — not a Mark Twain.

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