HAVING LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY “DONE this in my sleep(1)” on occasion as ahem an award-winning reporter for the Sonoma Index-Tribune and Sonoma Sun (and freelancer for the Novato Advance, Petaluma Argus-Courier and The Bohemian) and being somewhat-to-greatly rankled by what…
Tag: Small Town Reporter
The second-best job in the galaxy. Seriously.
5 Thoughts: Fiction- v. News-Writing
1. YOU STOP WRITING A NEWS piece when you run out of facts. But when do you stop writing fiction? When you run out of story, I suppose. 2. In news, the most important information goes up top. In fiction,…
Bad, Bad News
YES, THAT WAS MY EMAIL which KQED’s Michael Krasny read during his second hour this morning, which program concerned the effect of bad news on man-in-the-street audients. The show is worth a listen — archive available at http://www.kqed.org/epArchive/R201006091000. (I riffed…
How To Write
Poetry of News
There is a certain poetry to newswriting that’s not readily apparent to its readers — and perhaps not even to its practitioners. This derives in large part, I think, from the absurdity inherent in exchanging six to eight hours a…
First Week In
Three things: – My beats: fire, cops, breaking news, and meetings as needed.– I work with some freakishly smart, amazingly creative people; two of whom I have now dueled with a lightsaber.– The Game hasn’t changed much — get it…
And so, to work.
It was four-and-a-half months since I was laid off from the sasonal office-manager position at a local nursery, and longer still since I worked in my official profession, when I picked up the phone to call Sonoma Valley’s newest newspaper.…
… re-echo …
here’s what I wrote in a recent column… Screaming in the dark 2/14/03 By Neal Ross If you live among human beings, you must never mention how terribly, nakedly vulnerable we all are ? because we all spend a good…
Trial By Fire Trainer
The first thing I noticed was that I couldn’t see or hear anything. And on top of that, I could barely breathe. My knees and hands already hurt from the rough steel floor. The hose I was helping to drag…
Meeting Himself Coming the Other Way
Sometimes, to take a step forward, it’s necessary to take a step back. I’m sitting here having lunch at the desk I occupied for three years as a city, fire, religion and state developmental center reporter. The Sonoma Index-Tribune rehired…
Rumpled Colleagues In Truth
from a pre-Blogger blog ATTENDING A DINNER FOR THE Society of Professional Journalists’ Northern California chapter, as a co-recipient of their annual James Madison Freedom of Information Award, I’m in the presence of real journalistic heroes: men and women quietly…