“GOD” IS NOT A FAN club.
Tag: pithyism
Ars Aphoristica.
Pithyism #3
“GOD” IS THE EXPERIENCE OF “experiencing God.”
“THIS MAY OR MAY NOT be a good time to start things, but it’s a great time to continue ’em.”
Saturday Night Owls, Sunday Morning Penguins
EVEN IF THERE’S LITTLE TO read — sometimes, especially if there’s little to read — nothing beats sharing an early morning newspaper with someone you love.
“BUILDING A BETTER MOUSETRAP IS one thing. Testing it is something else.”
Pithyism #101
UNLESS IT CONTAINS A CRITICISM of what the writer didn’t say, no letters-and-opinion section is complete.
Pithyism #4.5×10^9
IF SEDIMENTARY ROCK LAYERS ARE like pages of a book, archaeology is the art and science of compiling an index and table of contents.
Pithyism #10,000
A MODERN SENSIBILITY IS THE greatest impediment to understanding ancient traditions. (And sometimes vice-versa.)
Ol’ Thinkypants Groks
“HEY, MAN, IF YOU WERE in high school when the original Star Wars came out, you know exactly what I mean.”
The Purist’s Question
HOW MUCH CAN YOU CHANGE something before it no longer resembles the original — yet still call it by the same name?
DO ANT THEOLOGIANS EXHORT THEIR multitudes against the fate awaiting them under Dante’s Magnifying Glass?