IF YOU WANT YOUR NEW and unprecedented Big Event to be a sure-fire failure, bill it as the “First Annual.”
Tag: pithyism
Ars Aphoristica.
Pithyism #5a
OPPOSABLE THUMBS ARE TO HANDS as language is to brains.
A Secret of Life
WHEN YOU’RE TALKING WITH SOMEONE, ask yourself: “How can I meet this person’s needs right now?“
WHY IS IT ONLY — OR chiefly — our minorities who long for universal brotherhood?
Pithyism #O-O
TO STAY ALIVE ON A bicycle or in a crosswalk, pretend you’re invisible. (The other drivers won’t see you anyway, so you may as well own it.)
The Spiritual Seeker’s Ponder
“DO YOU WANT ANSWERS? Or better, more interesting questions?”
Pithyism #1234
EVERYTHING — EVERYTHING OF ANY VALUE, anyway — is always “worth a shot.”
Pithyism #666 (Three Little Words You May [or May Not] Want to Hear)
Pithyism #20-20
Pithyism #-30-
DO NOT MOCK THE DAMNED, for you yourself may be one of them someday. — Old reporter’s proverb
Pithyism #001010
SOMETIMES, THE TERM “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” is just a cover for genuine stupidity.
Pithyism #80
THE OLDER I GET, THE older “old” gets — and the younger “young” seems.