THE WORLD LOOKS A LITTLE more friendly with something fragrant bubbling on the stove.
Tag: moments
All that we ever really have.
“THIS MAY OR MAY NOT be a good time to start things, but it’s a great time to continue ’em.”
Love to a Cat
HAD I NOT BEEN SWIFT, He would have brought the rat in. It’s the thought that counts.
Putting It In Perspective
GIVEN THE POSSIBILITY OF EARTH’S demise-by-asteroid in 25 years, we at The Metaphorager will be trying to stay awake, aware, conscious, intent, productive, or otherwise engaged for the next days:hours:etc. (Live it up, fellow Earthlings.)
Touching With Words
THE FIRST TIME I DISCOVERED that my words had an effect on other people was when something I wrote made other people cry. The people were my fellow high-school English students, and the topic was a personal essay we’d been…
Two Indigent Sketches
1. HITCHHIKING THROUGH RENO IN 1985, I wandered by the green banks of the Truckee River, where a number of seen-better-days men lived in the park, in what apparently remained of their business suits. “Hey buddy, you got a second?”…
Three More Tender Words Than “I Love You”
HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU are reading this?
Pithyism #3 up, 3 down
WOULDN’T YOU RATHER SEE A good game than a great hit? (Derived from a conversation on a public lament for baseball players on steroids.) (Yes, I said for.)
And Now, A Moment of Silence
How To Wash The Dishes
CLEAN DISHES NOT ONLY LOOK nice, they’re more healthy to eat from. Everyone has their own special method for this daily (or twice-daily) chore, and I’ve found this one to be most efficient in terms of time and water savings:…
Pithyism #Lazy Eight
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW how much you don’t know, tell a young child it can ask you anything.