NOTHING HAPPENS IN THE WORLD without someone from Sonoma County being involved in some way. (Those who know, know.)
Warning-Label Zen
A Thought On The “Singularity”
HAVING AWAITED (INSERT PIVOTAL WORLD catalyst here) since I was, at least, 15, I’d like to offer the observation that the Singularity (and similar event-horizons) may be more profitably treated as analogous to the speed of light — infinitely approachable, never attainable — for as long as someone still has to take out the %$#@!ing garbage.
(Or … maybe “in” the Singularity, we’ll finally share the task equally; an ethical compulsion through wholistic understanding. Since the whole point of the Singularity is unpredictable difference from everything which came before, I’ll just place my order right here and now.)
Anatomy and Metaphysiology: States of Grace or Tangent
PERHAPS BEFORE DELVING DEEPER INTO Things Glimpsed it would be helpful to explain my terms, and how I arrived at them.
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been fascinated/obssessed/entranced by “God,” or the “Great Spirit,” or “It What Is” or more specifically the undisclosable Reality behind those words. I was often taken aback by such pop-in-the-head questions as “What came before God?” or “What would an infinitely tall stack of paper cups look like?” or “Does the bathroom wallpaper really have little toilets all over it, or does it just look that way to me?” (Sadly, ’twas the former.)
I say this to tell you that I’ve been both looking for and halfway expecting Weird Inner Experiences all my life. When they actually began happening, though, I honestly didn’t know what to make of them.
Pithyism #0.0
IF YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR Truth, It’s somewhere It shouldn’t be.
Season’s Regreetings
THE NEXT TIME SOMEONE OUTSIDE your comfort zone wishes you a merry holiday-you-don’t-celebrate, don’t take umbrage — just wish them a happy “Same To You.”
This three-syllable Teflon Shield of Banter will save you from giving and receiving earnest but endless dissertations on cultural supremacy, cultural relativity, hegemonic religion, religious hegemony, justified indignation and getting-over-whatever-someone-else-thinks-“it”-is. (We’re all busy people here — who has time for such nonsense?)
Of Relativity
“WE ARE BUT A MOMENT’S starlight” — but some moments seem longer than others.