“WHAT PRESENT CAN I GIVE to the world?”
Category: Life
Each moment is different. Here are some of mine.
Pithyism #30
DOES THE PHRASE “OLD SOUL” apply to anyone past their early 20s?
Pithyism #3
Deadline: 2036
ONE THING I MISS ABOUT the pre-21st-century days is the sense of humanity plunging headlong toward some destination. These days, that collective goal seems hellbound and handbasket-wrapped. But in the days and years leading up to 1/1/2000, the Great Rollover,…
The View From Superman’s Cape
FLYING OVER EARTH IN THE International Space Station? This is what it looks like.
“THAT’S NOT ONLY BRILLIANT — IT’S ‘why-didn’t-I-think-of-that’ brilliant.”
OF ALL HUMAN EXPERIENCES, WAITING may be the least explicable. We usually experience Time both as a series of events (“progression”) and an eternal Now (“duration”). Progression is as a pot slowly boiling or day growing late or stomach more…
The Root Of All Our Problems
Monumental Question
“Do you honor the hole, or refill it with something?” (This may also apply to more than just the WTC memorial. Me, I vote for honoring the hole.)
EVEN AFTER TEN YEARS, THE memories and pain are still fresh when I think of them. I don’t think of them often. My habit in those days was to check the Ha’aretz news ticker with my morning coffee. “Hmm… soccer…
Pithyism #16
THE WORLD LOOKS A LITTLE more friendly with something fragrant bubbling on the stove.
Saturday Night Owls, Sunday Morning Penguins
EVEN IF THERE’S LITTLE TO read — sometimes, especially if there’s little to read — nothing beats sharing an early morning newspaper with someone you love.