Author: Neal Ross Attinson
Neal Ross Attinson is one of those text-compulsives who feels naked without a keyboard, or at least a a pad and pen. He is unafraid of adverbs, loves astronomy and gastronomy with equally unabashed passion, and lives with/in an eclectic library in Sonoma, California.
An Ultimate Protest Sign
(Thanx and a tip o’ th’ Metaphoraging Hat to‘s template toys (click for bigger).)
A Haiku For The SF Giants, After Seeing My First Giants Game Last Night
Tim Lincecum’s face Passionate with the sad news: Strike one. Two. Three. Next!
Things Missed (80s)
GENERIC FOOD. FOND MEMORIES OF shopping the Lucky’s store in Concord c. 1981 wherein a vast wall of white and yellow cans, boxes and bottles severally proclaimed “COLA.” “CIGARETTES.” “CHILI.” “DOG FOOD.” “BREAKFAST CEREAL.” “ART.” (That last is ironic, but…
5 Thoughts: How To Preach A Sermon
1. Make ’em laugh with, but not at, you and your topic. But make ’em laugh first. 2. Remember that you’re a student too, no more learned (and perhaps embarrassingly less) than those listening to you. Your task is to…
World’s Smallest Particle Accelerator!
SCIENCE NEWS IS REPORTING THAT the humble adhesive-tape dispenser packs more X-ray wallop than the most sophisticated electrical machines: Forget fancy particle accelerators — a cheaper tool for emitting X-rays is right there in the office supply cabinet. Pulling back…
A Great Line I’ll Have To Work In Somewhere
“IT WAS AT THIS POINT in the narrative when those skilled in the nuances of the oral tradition began chuckling with anticipation.”
Haiku: First Rain
6:30 a.m., And behind my coffee cup, Earth sips her new skies.
How The World Works
“WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MISS a deadline?” asked the high-school student shadowing me in my capacity as newspaper reporter. “You don’t,” I replied. “No, I know,” he said. “But what happens if you do?” I just looked at him. “You…
Pithyism #144
EVERY TYRANNY IS DESIGNED TO separate us from who we really are — and thus from each other.
Reb Cat’s Yoga
THE STORY GOES THAT YOGA was first disclosed to an Indian prince by a cat who consented to teach the prince the secrets of feline flexibility. Whether or not that’s true, the cat who lives with Ann & I repeatedly…
My Contribution to the Tongue Twister Effort