AS SOUND IS SLOWLY-VIBRATING light, ambition is slowly-vibrating desperation.
Author: Neal Ross Attinson
Neal Ross Attinson is one of those text-compulsives who feels naked without a keyboard, or at least a a pad and pen. He is unafraid of adverbs, loves astronomy and gastronomy with equally unabashed passion, and lives with/in an eclectic library in Sonoma, California.
Windstorm Stylist
Scary loud gusts brush From the trees’ green-flowing hair Stray twigs and branches.
First Graf: Silverlock
TAKE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, STAR A grumpy Chicagoan, people the landscape with characters and places from the world’s literature and you have Silverlock — a fable of the human spirit no less great or more complex a story than a man…
The Other Secret
A SURE TEST OF ANY theology is to ask, “Does God exist before human beings?” Among other things, the answer can shed light on one’s grasp of science. For if you allow for a God who watched over the dinosaurs,…
Pithyism #65b
MATURITY IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN we choose to be fascinated by something other than ourselves.
Today’s Question
“WHAT PRESENT CAN I GIVE to the world?”
Reflecting Pool
“WHEN THE CENTER IS MOVING, no quiet is. When the center is still, no chaos. Where is the chaos when there is no center? Where is the center when there is no motion?”
Pithyism #30
DOES THE PHRASE “OLD SOUL” apply to anyone past their early 20s?
WHAT THE HUMANS DIDN’T REALIZE was that, for everyone else in the galaxy, it was largely considered bad form, and even bad luck, to visit planets settled by intelligent apes. (You’d think the quality of their UFO sightings would be a tip-off.)
Cheap Thrills: Bantha Milk
GOOGLE RETURNS ABOUT 29,700 HITS for “bantha milk,” AKA “blue milk” — it’s of what Luke Skywalker poured himself a glassful in the original Star Wars, banthas being those giant horned elephants-in-costumes of the same film. Fans love banthas, and…
Happy 5772!
THIS PHOTO FEATURES PEOPLE SPELLING out in Hebrew the words “Shanah Tovah,” or “good year.” I like it because it shows us that the year is ultimately made up of the people who live it — of every moment and…